Unauthorized payment to Meta Platforms (Facebook ireland) and Paypal denied dispute


SSo today suddenly I had two unauthorized automatic payments to Meta Platforms INC (email says Facebook ireland???) amounting to $354.72! I checked my Facebook account and there were NO activities logged.


It's no small sum and when I raised a dispute to PAYPAL, PAYPAL denied the dispute and deemed it legit (within an hour). Help! how can I resolve this???

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The same thing happened to me. I went through the "unauthorized use" system, but PayPal immediately closed my case, saying "we found this transaction is consistent with your PayPal history". No...I've never purchased anything from Facebook/Meta using PayPal. Ever. It is entirely inconsistent with my PayPal history, and I'm telling you I did not authorize the payments. There is NO transaction history in any of my Facebook/Meta accounts showing transactions for the amount listed. Who do I contact about this?

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Call them to appeal their decision because it makes no sense and they have no proof to warrant them saying you made this charge.  You may have to recall about 4 times like I did but eventually you may get to someone that can help you with understanding english. Thats what I did and they returned my funds while researching it again. I am not using paypal due to this and probably never will due to they can just go in and take back what they gave back, which is rightfully yours. And either leave your account in a negative balance or take what's in there. Good luck. I am highly disappointed in the ethics and ways of Paypal now. I don't trust them. 

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PayPal are the worst company, this happened to me too and this Meta platform took 1891$ . and the way they did is: they hacked my ads manager of the real Meta and every-time i enter and put an add they approve and send reports were all were fake and really i never been served, so at the end of every month they have to charge me to give me the indication that am contacting the real facebook so when it comes to payments, he went to paypal because if he charge directly through FB then they will know because they are great. so he opened an account on paypal and from there he charged you with money and because you entered the hacked ads manager and gave permission there on ads, he took this approval and submitted to PayPal. from there side it looks right, although its fake. paypal responsibility was how they approve a company name that not real and not facebook, so they are responsible too . so many people complained about this company but they did nothing, am starting to think that those might be them.
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I just had the same issue!! First my Facebook was hacked and meta suspended my page due to link to some instagram account and there was no way for me to fight it as the only option fb gave me was to log in to that insta account, which is not mine, and I couldn’t go to my fb page as it was suspended! And just now (it’s 22:30 here) I got notification that I payed £200 to meta business!!! Which I did not authorised of course and I couldn’t as I can’t even login to my account! I cancelled that payment right away, but I’m still worried that money will go from my account as now is very late I can’t call paypal as their office is closed, so I just hope that money won’t go from my bank as I just clicked “cancel payment” button.
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Hello @Lena106

Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum!

I'm sorry to hear about the unauthorized activity on your Facebook/Meta account. If you haven't already, please reach out to Meta's Customer Support to report the unauthorized transaction. If you already had an established automatic payment with PayPal, an unauthorized dispute with PayPal would most likely be denied. PayPal can only approve an unauthorized dispute when unauthorized access happens on your PayPal account, and if an automatic payment was sent up prior, then they likely never logged into PayPal. 

If a new subscription was created, though, please file a dispute following these instructions on our Help Center. I also recommend canceling the automatic payment to prevent future charges, changing your PayPal password if it is the same one on your Facebook, and enabling 2-Step Verification

I hope this helps and you receive a refund soon! 

- Meghan

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Dear Meghan, unfortunately PayPal took this £200 which I haven’t authorise 😞 Very disappointed. Not my fault that my Facebook page was hacked and they authorised that payment when I already couldn’t login to my page. PayPal do not see any problem in this and still charged me and won’t refund me. I’m not sure I will be using PayPal from now on. There is no way even speak to an agent only automated messages.
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Hi @Lena106

Thanks for reaching back out! 

I understand the payment still went through, and you're unable to contact Customer Support. I'm sorry to hear that. If there was an existing subscription, it would have been processed automatically. I apologize; this isn't something that can be stopped. If PayPal is able to approve an unauthorized dispute, a refund is then sent back to your payment method. 

However, in the case that you already had an existing subscription, filing a dispute through Facebook is critical, because there wouldn't have been any unauthorized access to your PayPal account. There are a few different options to discuss this further with PayPal's Customer Support team; you can find them all listed here

Best wishes!

- Meghan

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I've just lost nearly £1000 and have no payment to Meta or anyone else. It's a scam but PayPal won't accept this. It's ruined my Christmas as it happened on 10Dec hours before I caught a flight. I was left with no cash or a debit card as I had to shut everything down. 10 days later PayPal still won't accept it's a scam.
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I'm so sorry to hear this, @sassysara . Try to get in touch with your bank, because it seems Paypal is not doing much to help the many people who have come forward here with the same problem. I got in touch with my bank after this happened to me. The transfer was retroactively cancelled by my bank, and I got my money back. 

Good luck, and I hope you will manage to have a happy christmas.

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HI Meghan,


Sme thing happen to this Feb 28 and yeaterday. I was trying to call your customer but to no avail. I hope this time you ban Meta Platform Inc in charging our accounts automatically. Whats the purpose of BUYER PROTECTION if our accounts are compromise here?

Id like an appeal and reverse the charges in PP-R-BPA-517751900 in the resolution center. Please check again. Thank you.

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