Unauthorized payment to Meta Platforms (Facebook ireland) and Paypal denied dispute


SSo today suddenly I had two unauthorized automatic payments to Meta Platforms INC (email says Facebook ireland???) amounting to $354.72! I checked my Facebook account and there were NO activities logged.


It's no small sum and when I raised a dispute to PAYPAL, PAYPAL denied the dispute and deemed it legit (within an hour). Help! how can I resolve this???

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Meta is Facebook, if you have set up a subscription with Facebook then paypal have to pay it when Facebook request the funds.

Check if you had a subscription set up and cancel it?
Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > "manage pre-approved payments.''

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member
What is this for I didn’t authorize this 2 payments of 13 00
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Please help me, I suffered exactly the same, what can I do?

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I had to keep appealing it as much as I could and called also which of course I got transferred to several different foreign reps. Finally they didn’t reverse and take it out again. I haven’t closed my account but am very leery with trusting PayPal again.
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I found 3 charges in the last month. PayPal dispute did not go well. Contacted Meta and am now waiting on call back from them. I'm in the hole at my bank when I shouldn't be.
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I had this happen in April. Somehow, it was automatically refunded, but there is no way of talking to anyone in Facebook about this it seems, nor do I have any reassurance if won't happen again. I'm so frustrated, as I also have a device signing onto my Google account every day which is not logged in my devices, so I can only intermittently kick them off when the system shows they're on...the thing is, meta should only be charged to your Google pay. It bothers me very much that no one in either Google or PayPal has contacted me, nor is there any way of contacting them. I am at a loss, and even though my life and success practically depends on this technology to function properly, I am about to delete all my accounts with these giants because they can't seem to deal with this basic problem. I'm calling the consumer affairs ombudsman (Australia ) tomorrow , and I suggest you all do the same. There's nothing stopping this hacker from doing tjis again , until the problem is properly addressed. Hire some humans you greedy companies! Google's help desk doesn't even utilise Ai, it's just a search list.
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I had the same **bleep** last week, 900 and 1003 dollars taken out of my account for meta ads. There is notihing in my meta account and I surely didn't give them permission to take this kind of money. No response from facebook or meta, and Paypal just said it was an authorized transaction when I disputed it. Blocked my normal dutch bankaccount and had them take back the 900,- that was already taken from it. Tried calling them, but I always end up in a tape telling me how to do something on their website, but there I cannot do anything more than I have done.... Does anyone have a direct contact or phonenr I can use?

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Go to your account, find the transaction, click on it, and cancel it.   I've had this happen a couple of times.  Cancelling it works and you will not be charged.

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Well, I’m adding myself to the list of people who had this problem. €350.46. I have no clue how to dispute this with PayPal because there is no button where I can even report this. It’s a truckload of money for me….
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Have you canceled the payment in your account?  If you haven't I don't know if you'll have any luck, but check your e-mails every single day and if you have an unauthorized payment show up, go to your account, choose the fraudulent payment and cancel it.  I've had it happen twice and both times I canceled the payment without a problem.  You need to watch PayPal account like a hawk, every single day to thwart these low-life criminals.  I'm thinking about canceling PayPal for this very reason.

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