Ko-Fi payments


Does paypal take a fee when accepting ko-fi transactions? For example, some one sent me $6 over Ko-Fi but I only received $5.54 in my paypal.

edit: and the payment was from someone using the same currency as me.

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We have encountered this problem as well.
As a small company, all funds are necessary. We decided to migrate from Patreon because of its fees, but are disappointed to find that using Ko-Fi comes with fees as well, but due to PayPal.
It is understandable that paypal counts this as a business transaction, but for many cases it isnt, and there should be infrastructure to determine this.
Ko-Fi has clearly defined payments, that of commissions (which are paying for goods and services), and that of donations/membership tiers, which are for the purpose of donating, not paying for a good or service.

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Yep, same issue. I just joined Ko-fi to take donations, and I am getting charged paypal fees even though its not for goods or services. Whats the point of even using Ko-fi, I should just get people to go via PayPal, but then it feels more like asking them to pay me than a donation. Really annoying, can someone please attend to this?
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Same here...especially annoying when you want to keep the entry-barrier for donations very low. For loosing 0,37€ for a 1€ donation is just insane and needs a more user friendly approach.


This is quite hurtful to content-creators who are still small and kinda wanna get their feet wet to see if people appreciate their free work enough

to donate something to the cause and help out to actually build something out of it.

I understand that any company wants to make money but this is a type of issue that might actually prevent people from using the service at all which might not quite pay off in the long run.

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Why my Ko fi payment shows holding status in my PayPal account? Someone supported me on Ko Fi but my PayPal account shows pending status. Is that normal? 

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Hello @Misbah786


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear a recent payment has been placed on hold. At this time, donations may still be subject to payment holds. I would recommend reviewing the following Help Center article for a bit more information on Why your payment is on hold.


Good luck on this and future transactions, 


 - Jon K

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i recently started using ko-fi and this has been incredibly disappointing. i've set monthly payments at a tier of $2, and when that $2 payment hits i get.... $1.34. a whole third of the donation is just gone. it's almost insult to injury because the goal i've listed is for $200. it says i'm 58% of the way there on ko-fi, but because of paypal's fees i don't even have $60 in my account. these are donations. taking a third of them is obscene. paypal is a big enough company, they shouldn't have to take 30% of my already-small $15/month payout. this needs to change. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypals fee comes in 2 parts ....


1. A % of the amount received.

2. A fixed fee eg $0.49.


So if you are receiving payments of a very low value that 0.49 will make a big dent in the amount. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

PayPal ended up taking $1.34 from a US-to-US Ko-fi donation of $10. That's almost down to $8.

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2023 and we still have no option to designate kofi as personal payments instead of business ones???
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I agree with what @Gwynmina and @rainbowstarks said; but ultimately I ended up at the same conclusion as @Aldric-Cheylan on page 1 (sorry I think the forum put me on page 2 because I replied to Gwynmina? I didn't understand, so I re-posted as a non-replying post).

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