Another China Scam ysole Co., Ltd


Have you gotten the old We will refund you 10% or so routine if you ship it back?  or you can sell it to make up the difference?

ysole Co., Ltd is using that BS after they send an item not worth 10% of what you paid.

Forget it you are never going to see your money again and PayPal is not protecting it's buyers.


Then they expect you to ship it to China - The return address is California on the package,  but they tell you to send it to Scamsville China. 

Consignee: ZhengweiAddress: <removed> Guangdong, ChinaPhone: <removed>
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105 REPLIES 105


It is sad to see my honest, hard working colleagues having the same issues with this company ysole.,Co Ltd.  I too fell victim of the same misrepresentation of this company.  I also have sent numerous emails, etc  trying to work with this vendor only to receive the same feedback all of you have.  I sent all my email correspondence back to Paypal indicating (as all of you did) that.. "yes.. I received a package.. but NOT what I ordered"..   So you know what Paypal does?  "Hey vendor... did you ship "something" to our victim?  Yes ?  Do you have proof? … Oh.. a piece of paper indicating you shipped it with a tracking number..   Great !  OK.. I guess we an close the Case !   Thank you !  Oh.. no.. your not in trouble.. you did your job.. Looking forward to our great relationship !!"    Yes... folks... my Case was Closed even though this vendor ripped us all off.  I even told PayPal BEFORE this was closed and DURING this dispute that "I know I will not get reimbursed... but I do not want ANYBODY ELSE to fall victim of this company and to have them REMOVED from Paypal as a vendor because of what I what I just went through.  I do not want anyone else to get ripped off".   But as we all know... Paypal must be in bed with China or have some other hidden agenda.  I wish I would of have seen all of your threads on this before I pulled the trigger.  Of course like most of you, we all have special words we would love to express about this situation with the "Another China Scam ysole Co., Ltd"

but as we fix our favorite cocktail and stare at that piece of junk we received (not our original order)… we can all smile and "hope" Karma comes and haunts ysole and Paypal.

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I contacted my credit card company.  I explained EVERYTHING that has happened and they have filed a claim.  I hope that you went through PayPal/your credit card company.  Hope that this might help.

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The same thing happened to me PayPal Wouldn’t do anything. So I opened a dispute case with my bank was refund the same day the bank charged back PayPal. So you might want to try it.
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Well worded - Agree !

I didn't even get any form of product.

There needs to be some form of Regulator and PayPal should be cancelling arrangement with these Fraudsters!

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Exactly I started a PayPal dispute which came to a full refund but I had to return their shonky car that they sent instead of what I ordered and pay for shipping all within 9 days even though it took a lot longer to get here.  The shipping costs makes it untenable which is exactly their scam.  It is time traders like this are banned from PayPal.

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After reading the comments on here, it sounds like ysole co. Ltd have the same modus operandi as Zzrays co. Ltd. Same scammy ways and same responses. There is another thread going on on Zzrays, we should all get everyone scammed together to file a complaint against them.
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I filed against both ysole and PP Hope others do too
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I received notification that I’d receive a refund if I sent the Iran back. Refund excluded shipping and return shipping is also on me. Item is $29.95 and UPS wants $44 to mail an back an item which is about $1.00 at the store. They know you’re not going to spend that to return it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t turn down the claim once they receive it. I’m done with Pay Pal. At least a bank credit card wouldn’t make it this difficult to resolve. Pay Pal I’m sure is getting thousands of these reports and they are doing nothing to protect their customers. As far as I’m concerned Pay Pal is as bad as some of its sellers. Sellers committing scams are more protected than the consumer.
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I have been a fraud investigator for more than 25 years and have worked with Police in many Countries.


This is an old and classic fraud - defraud multiple people for relatively small amounts of money and make sure that the victims are in a different Country.


Any victims who complain to their local Police will not have their case investigated because it is beyond the scope and resources for their local Police.


The solution to this type of fraud is simple - Everyone who is a victim should start a claim with PayPal - when they get to the stage of PayPal saying send the item back (at a cost of more that the loss) for a "refund", each victim should file a complaint with the Company or Bank that issued their Credit or Debit card.


Most Countries have some form of "Distance Selling Laws" which protect Credit or Debit Card payments for goods over the Internet or phone - If the goods or services are not as described or do not arrive the buyer is protected by Law.


The Company/Bank that issued the Credit or Debit card will make a "charge back" against PayPal - that means that they refund the transaction to the victim and claim the money back from PayPal. This is a very standard and common banking transaction.


PayPal then become the "victim" of the fraud - only once PayPal's losses increase will they take action against the scammers and reverse the transactions from the scammers bank accounts back to PayPal.


If everyone who is a victim of this type of fraud does this, they will get a refund and the scammers may well end up being subject to a police complaint made by PayPal.


This scam is probably operated by a small group of criminals who change their email and company names on a regular basis to attempt to avoid detection & prosecution.


If we all work together we can get them prosecuted and get our money back.


If you agree with what I am suggesting please re-post this advice to any other discussion about this type of scam.


Good luck everybody. 

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Just to clarify one point - you make a claim to PayPal first because you have paid PayPal and they have paid the scammer, you have not paid the scammer, so your complaint is about a PayPal transaction/purchase.


Once PayPal fail to refund your money you can then make a complaint to the Company or Bank that issued your Credit or Debit card in order to get a refund.

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