Redirection to wrong language

New Community Member

How can i use Paypal when website is automatically redirected to language version which i cannot read? 

There is no possibility to change language. 

Havent found other way to report this issue than post here. Maybe someone can forward it to Paypal Support. 

Full web page screenshot attached.


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Hello @tomisk

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to see that your PayPal webpage is in a different language from what you'd prefer. Typically, there's an option to select a different language at the bottom right corner of the page near the flag. If that option isn't showing, most web browsers can translate the page for you. I tend to use Microsoft Edge because I personally find that it has the easiest option for translating webpages. 

I hope this helps you translate the page; have a lovely day! 

- Meghan

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