Agent did not fully understand with dispute

Long story short is when I spoke to a agent regarding my dispute, the agent did not write down the information that I provided clearly, and somehow got confused with what I was saying. Unfortunally, I don't believe English is his first language and had a hard time understanding what I was saying. So now the dispute is closed with the wrong information and I cannot reach anybody who can do anything about this mistake. I sat on the phone for 2 hours total on hold for a manager and got hung up on after 1 hour each call. I clearly stated many times that I have not received any services from this transaction, let alone have anything to do with it at all! Who can I talk to to remedy this mistake ? I feel that if PayPal is going to outsource their agents, at least have them pass an english writing and comprehension test! Also, I have called multiple times about this transaction and was assured that everything will be notated in my account, but it wasn't at all! So now my dispute is closed with the wrong information! How can I get to talk to somebody who can fix this? I'm extremely upset as I though PayPal would do everything to remedy this, unfortunally it's been a complete clusterf###! I will not do any business with PayPal if this is how they help their customers. If anybody knows how to get this fixed, let me know! Thanks
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Did you open a dispute for 'service not received' or another dispute?

Did you escalate to a claim before it auto-closed at 20 days?

Any information is added in the dispute stage so did you input your information there?

If not then did paypal decide in the sellers favour?

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I opened a dispute as I did not make the transaction ( some **bleep** used my card). I'm not sure if it got escalated, I was told it was going to be taken care of by them. They didn't do anything with it till the 20th day. I responded to every email and call very promptly! Yes I added some info and had the rep add some because the site was not working properly for me at that time ( it kept looping when I pressed enter). Yes PayPal decided in the merchants favor because of the agent did not write down what was actually said. Again, english wasn't his strong suit. I don't understand why they can't listen to the phone call I had with them. It's recorded! Sorry a bit flustered
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If you didn't escalate to a claim by day 20 then the dispute auto-closes.

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