Login requires assword,code from my authenticator app and code via sms/whatsapp.




EVERYTIME when i login i have to enter my password, enter the code from my authenticator app and then have to enter the code sent to me via sms or whatsapp. even if i just close the paypal tab or get logged out by time out.


this really is time consuming and seems unneccessary. any tips for this?




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Hello @RandomHero13

Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! 

I'm sorry to hear you have to complete so many security steps before logging in. When logging in, I recommend only using one consistent device and enabling your location services. You want to avoid using a VPN or hosting IP as well. If you don't share your device with anyone else, you can indicate your device is trusted so you aren't required to use your 2-Step Verification on that device. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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i am only using my PC. Without any VPN or similar stuff. there is no opion to select my device as trusted. just now just to be able to answer here i had to do it all over again. sometimes the 3rd step is only sms and whatsapp isnt selectable there. also after i logged into playpal and got redirected to the forum i opened a new tab to paypal.com and had to login again with 3FA. i have adblocker disabled, no cookies blocked etc.


i would be ok if i had to use 2FA all the time, but the 3FA part really sucks cause looking at sms/hatsapp is just overkill added on top of the authenticator app.




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Hey @RandomHero13 


Thanks for responding back! Sorry for the inconvenience! PayPal may sometimes ask you to confirm your identity for authentication purposes. You can learn more about  Payment Services Directives, strong customer authentication and remembered device here.

You can use also Passkeys which is a new secure login standard and allow users to authenticate securely without entering a username or password or providing any additional authentication factor. I recommend referring this article to know more about passkeys here : What is a passkey and how do I use it to log in to my PayPal account?

I hope this information helps,


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just had to login with all 3 steps again just to post here.


under remembered devices there is only the device i am using, but still i have "to confirm your identity for authentication purposes" but not sometimes it is always. i closed all paypal tabs in my browser to test it and i had to login (with all 3 steps again). maybe i could disable 2FA in teh settings that could bring the 3FA process down to "real" 2FA, but sms/whatsapp is really tedious in comparison to an authenticator app or a working 2FA/trusted device solution


i also tried different browsers than chrome, but neither edge, opera nor firefox work, it is all the same 3FA.


*edit* now the third authentication step doesnt offer whatsapp anymore i have to use sms.




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Welcome back @RandomHero13


I can certainly understand how this is a bit of a frustrating situation. First, I'd recommend clearing your browser's cache, cookies and history. That will normally make sure all options that should normally be available are made available to you. 


Thank you for letting us know you're not using any VPN's, adblockers, or anything else. However, another thing which may affect how you login is if you're logging in from outside of your home country. From there, if you're still experiencing a higher than normal amount of requests to authenticate your account, I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams for further review. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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i cleared the cookies yesterday but havent tested it afterwards. but just now i clicked "login to reply" which forwarded me to paypal.com to login and there password + authenticator were enough to log in, which is good. but after i was returned to paypallcommunity to post here i wanted to open paypal.com to check if it really worked, but i had to log me in there again (only pw+authn this time)


so it seems to be working that i only need my pw+auth, but that is still a lot when i am always at the same pc and internetconnection. (also i was never logged in from outside my home country). let's hope it stays this way.


thx for the help




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