Adding a company logo to an invoice

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How do you add a company logo to a Paypal invoice?



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Hi dbss,


You can add your company logo to a PayPal invoice by clicking on the option to create your own invoice. You will be then directed through on how to add your company logo.


I hope this helps




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I am new to creating invoices but I have added my logo at the correct size 200 x 75 pixels which is under 100kb. I have tried  jpg and png files but it will not show. Just a red cross. I have tried right clicking 'show picture' but nothing. Can anyone help? The settings show it has been saved. Thanks

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Hi there schilly,


If you have an issue with integrating PayPal on your website and are in need of assistance, please visit our Developer Central which is a one-stop shop for developers using the PayPal payments platform.

1. Go to
2. Click on ‘Business' near the top of the page.
3. Under 'Business' select ‘For Developers’.
4. Click 'Visit Developer Central'.


I hope this information helps you Smiley Happy


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I am having exactly the same problem.  I was on the phone to a paypal engineer and was given a load of information that was wrong.


I f you create an image 200 px wide by 75px high and less than 100kb and upload it you just get the red x box.  I have tried uploading the logo directly. Hosting it on imageshack and even hosting it on my own server and it still wont work.  I am begining to think there is a fault with your invoice template page as there is no other option left to try.


A very disapointed and frustrated Paypal customer 😞 

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New Community Member

I'm having exactly the same porblem, create an image the correct size and although it doesn't give an error message, the image shows as a red cross - i.e. not found.


Is this just a glitch or something to do with certain computers or security software - I use the free version of AVG Anti-virus.

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New Community Member

I have the same problem too!!! We have tried jpg, gif, png. All sizes but all uploads result in the 'red cross'. This can't be a coincidence.


The payment logo does not work either.


Most of these posts are recent. Clearly a new problem / fault with paypal systems.



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New Community Member

Same problem for me.  I can't put my company logo on an invoice or invoice template.. FYI, I'm in the USA not UK.

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Same problem here, tried all sizes, file types et...... no joy

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Hi guys,


I can only imagine how frustrating that this may be for all of you.


If you are having difficulties when trying to add a logo to an invoice, you should try contacting the technical team in order to determine what exactly the problem is that you are having.


To contact our technical team, you can submit a ticket directly to them by going to


I apologise that there is nothing further that I can do to assist you at this time. By opening a request to our technical team, they can fully investigate your query and contact you with an update.


I hope this helps,


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