hello, i keep getting a error message when trying to complete a transaction. Please Help

New Community Member
I just would like to get my money off my pay pal to my cashapp card like I usually do but i keep getting turned away by the same message. everytime i try to add a card to get money i have stuck on my paypal account im told There's a problem with your account. Please contact us so we can help you out. Do you have any ideas on why it keeps doing this?
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New Community Member
Me too Any solution for it?
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Hello @Solomknboomer and @Aryakijoon

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I understand you're having trouble adding a card so you can withdraw, and I'm sorry to hear that. I recommend reviewing your Resolution Center and Customer Identification Portal to see if you have any unresolved issues. You can quickly reach them by selecting the hyperlinks I've included. If you don't find any unresolved issues, you can reach Customer Support by clicking 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal website. Support is also available through Facebook Private Message or Twitter Direct Message. Please also keep in mind that not all banks and cards are compatible with PayPal. In addition, if you have added and removed a card from your account multiple times, it may not be able to be used on PayPal any longer. 

I hope you can add the card and withdraw soon! 

- Meghan

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