Failure to send payment


I tried to send a payment to another of my paypal account via the email address. But got the attached error message. I've actually got a few questions


1. When I tried to send this payment, paypal asked me to link a card, and prompted me to key in the details from scratch when I've actually got a few linked cards in my account already. Why?

2. My paying account was created in 2007. I got another account that I created a couple of years ago and the interface is totally different. Is there a difference in accounts functionality? 

3. Is there a way to file a ticket with paypal to get help besides their terrible terrible message centre? I can only get help if I am available during office hours? I cannot file a ticket or leave a message or send them an email? Their service is just TERRIBLE.

4. And lastly, what is this error message? Why can't I send a payment?

Screenshot 2023-08-23 021510.png

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Esteemed Advisor



You are only allowed x2 paypal accounts if x1 is personal and the other x1 is business, if you have 2 of the same type you risk them both being limited. 

You can't use the same financials on the same accounts if that is what you are trying to add?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I created both accounts with different email addresses. One is a business account and the other is a personal. Both uses the same phone number though if that matters.


The accounts and cards linked in the 2 accounts are all different.


I used the personal account to send payment to the business account using the business account email, but it failed as the above post. 

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