fraud unauthorized transactions?

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PARAGON ARMORY LLC unauthorized charges for $738.73 to my 82 year old fathers paypal account on November 29,2023. The transaction had this address listed on the invoice  [removed] DAVIS, CA [removed]. I am reporting these criminals to every possible agency that I can find and I will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. If anyone else has had this happen to them please email me asap. Thank you.

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Hello @Noel78

Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! 

I'm sorry to hear about the unauthorized transaction that occurred on your father's PayPal account. If he is able to log into his PayPal account, please have him follow these instructions to report the unauthorized transaction. If the transaction cannot be reported, it might be a fraudulent invoice that only needs to be canceled and reported as fraudulent. Alternatively, he might have received a phishing email if the transaction does not appear at all. 

After reporting the unauthorized transaction, he'll want to reset his password and security questions. I also recommend setting up 2-Step Verification to add another layer of security to the account. If he cannot log into the PayPal account, please have him reach out to Customer Support to report the unauthorized transaction and request help with restoring the account. He can also authorize you to discuss the activity after calling in, if needed.  

I hope this information helps him obtain a refund right away! 

- Meghan

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