Customer wrongly claims that the item was misinterpreted

Dear Community! I had a customer buying a used Sample Weddingdress from us. We delivered the item into the US. She responded that the dress is perfect - a size to small but she expected this since she wants to loos weight. Over a month later she started a discussion about the sizing (it’s made in Israel and has size 2 written in the back of the dress). I send her the sizing sheet of the original designer plus the measurements the ad had. She found a sizing sheet on the website of the designer that stated the dress is not as in our sizing sheet a US10 but a US6. I was annoyed since I have been working for years with this designer and I felt as if she wanted to punish me for not loosing weight. So I opened a claim (big mistake). I presented my case. She then wrote me she wants me to stop the claim. So I informed PayPal about her wishes. After weeks of hearing nothing PayPal now said: you need to tell her the address for returning the dress. I contacted the designer of the dress and they send me a mail saying they got a typo on their website. How can I get this information to PayPal? Nobody is answering any phone call or chat anymore. They have set the deadline for Monday. Second question: what happens if the dress is returned and has obviously been used for a wedding or destroyed in some way? Third question: the dress needs to go through customs - who will pay these extra fees? This is just crazy. How can they side with her when we gave the full information about measurements? Why are we as a seller responsible for a typo on a website that is not ours? I am loosing hope here! Please help me. P.s. the phone number for Austria on the PayPal customer site is wrong! You can’t even call them!
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You are responsible as you were the one selling the item to her even if you got it from a third party site as a drop shipper.

In the event of an item received but not as described dispute paypal is the middleman and does not see the item in question.

So they tell the buyer to return the item (trackable at her expense) and then when you receive it you issue a refund.

Any customs charges importing the item back into your country would be down to you.

Unfortunately whilst it may be damaged and you can tell paypal that its just your word against hers and all of this is just one of the risks of online selling. You are always going to have the odd sale go bad.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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