Account Limitations: What You Need to Know

PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee


Keeping your business and customers safer

To ensure PayPal remains a safer place for enabling payments, we regularly review all accounts. Sometimes, limitations may be placed on your PayPal account, which could restrict you from completing certain actions: such as withdrawing, spending, or receiving money. Limitations are in place to help protect all our customers, and in some cases to meet our regulatory obligations. Protecting your account and money is important to us.


Account Limitations: What might cause it, and how to help avoid it?

If your PayPal account is limited, you may be unable to withdraw, send or receive money. There are a number of reasons why your account could be limited:


Suspicious & unusual activity

  • We suspect someone could be using your account without your knowledge.
  • Your bank alerts us that someone has used your credit/debit card linked to your account without your permission.
  • There are unexpected changes to your selling activities such as a sudden increase in your typical sales volume.

In such cases, we do what it takes to protect you from potential fraud prompted by the unusual activity– through limiting your account, and investigating.


You can safeguard your personal information and help protect yourself against fraud through some simple measures.  For example, don’t enter your personal or financial details when describing items for sale or in response to emails, and log out of sites you’ve entered your personal information into.


Regulatory reasons or business is not compliant

Your account could be limited for regulatory reasons. For example, India PayPal sellers need to include additional information to be able to accept payments in their account. Also, reaching a certain transaction value in your account may trigger a limit, which can also be removed by providing information required to PayPal.


There are also restrictions on what a PayPal account can be used to accept (and make) payments for. For example, PayPal doesn't allow the sale of counterfeit goods or banned items. So, ensure that your business is compliant with PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy .

Increased buyer issues

An increase of complaints, claims and chargebacks from buyers can lead to account limitations.


Following some simple guidelines can help you improve your performance and reduce the likelihood of limitations. Overall, communication is key. You should:

  • Provide detailed product descriptions and photos.
  • Be upfront about policies such as shipping and returns.
  • Ship orders promptly and track shipments.
  • Respond quickly to any messages from buyers.
  • Work to amicably resolve any problems.
  • Ship to the address provided in the transaction details page.
  • Use quality shipping materials to prevent damage.


Removing limitations

 If your PayPal account is limited, here’s what happens:

  1. We’ll email you to let you know –  we’ll ask you to log in to your PayPal account and go to the Resolution Centre for details on how to resolve the issue quickly, usually by providing information.
  2. Once you’ve submitted the information required, we’ll review and reply via email.
  3. We’ll remove the limitations once we have verified your account. At times, limitations can be removed by simply changing your security questions and password.

Here are the types of information and documents we may need from you:

- Supplier’s invoice with contact information

This helps us determine the inventory source and validate that you have the items that you’re selling in stock.


- Payment information

When an invoice is unavailable, we’ll review the following information about your payments:

  • The item or service that was sold
  • The buyer’s name and shipping address
  • Proof of shipment to verify that an order was delivered

- Shipping or Tracking information

This helps us to verify that customer orders are being fulfilled.


- Proof of business
This provides evidence of a valid business registration and business ownership.


- Information for India sellers
This is to comply with our India regulatory obligations. Provide a valid PAN, a local bank account and the purpose code in your PayPal account task board.


- Proof of address such as bank statement or utility bill, Proof of identity such as passport or driver’s license
This helps us verify your identity when there is unusual account activity or to comply with regulations.


Once you’ve submitted your information, look out for any more emails from us as we may need additional details. We’ll do our best to confirm your information and remove the limitation within 2 business days, but sometimes it can take a little longer.


Quick Tip: If your PayPal account is limited, don’t open a new account. It could be traced back to the limited account.  It’s always best to resolve the limitation. We will guide you through it and restore full access to your PayPal account as quickly as possible.


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Could I get an answer to why as a business that has provided everything that PP has asked for to resolve previous limitations, AFTER an invoice has been sent and paid, Paypal issues/implements the same limitation, with the same issues, that were previously resolved?

If there was going to be an issue ie. photo id previously uploaded, business documents previously uploaded all conditions previously uploaded, responded to and resolved (all within a 30 day timeframe...actually 14 days) why would PP send an email that money is available, and 14 minutes afterwards state that they need the same information from 14 days previously THE EXACT SAME.....the same conditions / limitations applied and documents requested. When speaking to paypal they continue to cite compliance and anti-fraud systems in place yet it seems ironic at best when you repeatedly ask for the same documents, and explanations...etc. - Where did my documents go to 2 weeks ago, No resolve except to wait for my money! Ridiculous!


Has anyone else repeatedly had to satisfy business verification every time they send an invoice/receive money? Was it ever completely resolved?


I doubt I will hear anything from anyone at PayPal with the exception of an email; Once again left in limbo waiting for over 6000 and in my opinion PayPal basically stole the fee/processing charge!

If anyone has suggestions on alternatives to Merchant accounts that will allow same day transfers with limited or fixed charges for same day transfers - I welcome any alternatives.

If I held my customers money without performing in the timely fashion as stated - I'd be out of business!


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Hi @jcritzer


Welcome to our Community!


If you are still being requested for the same documents you have already sent, then there could be an issue with eh validity or quality of the documents received. If a document is deemed invalid, then we would normally send an email stating the reason why it was not accepted. Please read the response emails carefully, just in case you might have missed the reason. Please make sure the documents are complete and not partial, that the detail matches those as they appear on PayPal and issue and expiry dates are clearly visible. 






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Hi Martin,


I appreciate the response but unfortunately i have to call BS - If the original documents were not acceptable or legible why would the account have been removed from limited/limitation status on October 18/19th and then put back into the same status requesting the exact same information that was previously sent, received, and signed off on (or however PP deems ok to remove the limitation status).


Additionally, while on the phone yesterday trying to resolve the issue, the Customer service person was asking for the same documents, once they were informed of the previous issue low and behold she found all the documents, did not mention that ANY of them were illegible, incomplete, partial....etc. etc. quite frankly very concerning that a company like paypal cant' maintain proper documents in a organized manner to avoid this in the i was assured previously on October 18/19 that the business was verified, and i would not encounter the same verification issues. I am not ignorant enough to believe that there would NEVER be an issue but to have the same - EXACT SAME ISSUE within 14 days is absurd and completely unacceptable.


Holding anyone's money in today's marketplace; when the conditions for holding them have been met previously is again unacceptable!  To not have a 24/7 resolution department is one more reason I will discontinue using PP in the future. The lack of concern for their clientele, the impact their lack of organization and ability to maintain safe and secure records (as is clearly the situation in my case - which PP will never admit to - but it is pretty clear if you read between the lines) has had on my business, reputation, bank fees, is maddening.


Once again Martin, I appreciate the response but can't drink the kool-aid - If there was any type of issue with the documents  sent prior 1 PP would not have released those funds and 2 I would have received an email from PP - which i didn't

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PayPal is full of bullies. You guys are horrible humans. Cancel account (limit account), then absolutely refuse to explain why. Please quit your job Martin.

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Already confirmed all the details needed by paypal and they even email my friend who sent me money but it's almost two weeks that my account is limited and I need the money but I couldn't use it coz of the limitation. The recent email I received is that I need to call Paypal which is a US number. Geez. This is so annoying. 

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I have the same problem. I filled in all requested data (all required considering the local legislation). And since then (more than a month already) - nothing changed. Now i have my account fully limited and i can't make payments. It still keeps asking me to fill the data and i can't fill it because i already did this a lot of time ago. That frustrates me, because when you fill in the info, it says that they would come back within 30 days. But actually nothing happens! Which means Paypal becomes untrustworthy service. I havent recieved any responses, emails or messages in account. Simply nothing. That's a shame. Awfull service, guys.
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Hi Alanielle, 


Thank you for contacting the PayPal Community Forum and welcome as a new member! 


I am sorry to hear that the issue is not resolved. I would recommend contacting our Customer Support team by phone, email, Facebook or Twitter and we would be happy to look into this for you. 


- Siobhan 

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The customer support answers once a day. Each answer literally copies the previous one. They keep copy-pasting FAQs from the Help Center. And never read what I have stated. Literally urging me to do steps I can't do because i don't have those options in PayPal interface. Even when following the link they gave me. I even attached screenshots to show them the issue. And you know what happens? Seems like they ignore all the attachments I made.

That's an absolute ignorance. I can't even imagine less professional support than this one.

Should i contact the local bank regulator to urge PayPal to do their intended work?

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I'm pretty sure they won't even if you do, I wonder if I could contact my banks to remove my card info from these limited accounts
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Hi. Please let me know if you do anything legal action-wise so I can do the same. I have been robbed by these people.
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