Complete Purchase Button failing



I am running a community, Xenforo software. When folks purchase a site supporter - It takes them to the PayPal (PayPal url) screen to Complete the purchase. For the last 48 hours, I have had 7 people and 2 tests of my own, Where the COMPLETE PURCHASE button is not working at all to complete the purchase. It seems dead. I clicked it and clicked it and clicked it as have others and nothing.

We have no server errors, no software errors in logs, and no console errors showing when in the PayPal url to complete this. Any ideas? New issue. Never had anything like it in years. Oh, it is happening on 2 communities, have not tested the others yet.



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Having read other people's suggestions I decided to try adding the 'shipping' details to my button. I only sell digital goods, but I added the following two lines to my button code, and it works. I successfully made multiple transactions, and the only slight annoyance is that it shows a 'Shipping address' on the payment page now.


<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="0.00">
But if you can put up with having a 'Shipping address' visible (for digital goods), then it all works - at least for me (and multiple other users).
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Adding the shipping values to the button code did not make any difference for me, still no response from the "Complete Purchase" button. I also filed a case with PayPal Merchant Technical Support.

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I had the following line in my code:

<input type='hidden' name='no_shipping' value='1'>
but as you see the value was set to 1, I changed it to 0 and added the second line:
<input type='hidden' name='shipping' value='0.00'>
the trick is worked for me :), in any case I will continue monitoring this issue.


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I'd advise caution on adding a shipping address request there, because if you haven't sold physical goods before the sudden shift in kind of sales could trigger PayPal to review your account. When they do their account review they want to see proof of shipping (tracking numbers) for your recent transactions.

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Please make an official complaint so we can get this issue properly fixed for everyone!!!!
It is the biggest BS I ever experience.
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Having the same issue. I talked with PayPal Tech Support. We all need to fill out this form, so they make it a priority to fix the issue. This is the email they sent me. If you need technical assistance with integrating with PayPal’s Platform API’s on your website, or you'd like to report an issue with the PayPal website's functionality, here's how to submit a ticket to request assistance from PayPal's Merchant Technical Support: Go to​ Click Contact us at the bottom of the page. Click the Log In with PayPal button, Create an Account, or use your Merchant Technical Support Portal Login. Fill out the information requested in all required fields. Provide a subject, description including the webpage URL, error messages with timestamps, steps on how to reproduce, and the percentage of transactions being impacted. If you have a manager account at make sure you enter your manager login information and the partner. (Note: If you're processing through PayPal, it is recommended that you select the PayPal Radio button and provide the primary email address of the account experiencing issues.) Environment - Production is the PayPal live site - if your website has been active for a while, or it relates to any issues on PayPal Sandbox/Pilot/Test - if you are in a testing environment. We recommend you upload any screenshots of the issue you're experiencing and the source code of the respective page, as this will help the technical department resolve it faster. Click Submit to complete your ticket.
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I've submitted a ticket as well. If any of you haven't submitted a ticket about this yet please do it!

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I am having the same issue, but clients who use a computer can order. Mobile devices and tablets are not working - maybe a mobile browser issue? It sure is painful to not see orders come in…bummer to rely on PayPal payment processing for your livelihood and not have a way to affect the outcome - just the little guy here…
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I think that this issue varies considerably between individual implementations. e.g. you only seem to be having issues on mobile platforms, but some others (myself included) had the same problem across both mobile devices and computers. Also, while some of us have been able to get payments working again with the 'add a shipping address' fix/hack, others haven't been so lucky.

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I have this same issue, but some orders do complete.  So not sure of the rhyme or reason.

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