when using the legacy button payment method, how can i track if someone made a payment ?


I'm using the legacy button payment method, (create a payment button) , how can i track if someone made a payment ?


I would suppose I could do something like this : in the form for the payment i add the id of my customer, then when paypal send informations back through GET or POST method, i receive this ID, so I know who made the payment


But i cannot get it to work


So, how am i suppose to do that ?

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Good day @huho 


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


To achieve the desired outcome, I highly recommend utilizing the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) feature.


IPN is a message service specifically designed to notify you about any events or updates related to your PayPal transactions. By implementing IPN, you can automate various back-office and administrative tasks, including order fulfillment, customer tracking, and obtaining transaction-related information and status updates.


For more information, please click on the following link - https://developer.paypal.com/api/nvp-soap/ipn/IPNIntro/


If you are still experiencing issues, please create an MTS ticket via the following URL  - https://www.paypal-support.com/s/?language=en_US  .Please ensure that you provide detailed information and error details when submitting the ticket.




PayPal MTS


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hi, thank you for your answer and the information ! I finally decided to use the javascript SDK with the REST API implementation, it was not easy since the documentation is not always limpid and is made for node.js servers, but it works now 🙂

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