Shopify, paypal business acocunt without a legal business.

New Community Member

I have shopify and need to upgrade my paypal to a business account. That requires a legal business name (unsure of the translation). But I do not have a legal business. Can I still upgrade or how does it work? Shopify says you do not need a legal business so it must be some solution to this? (This is in Sweden)

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New Community Member

Same thing with me. I set up a Shopify store but when setting up PayPal as the payment method I am forced to use a "Business Account". But to create a PayPal Business Account, I am forced to provide a Business Address (among other info), which is something I don't have because it is E-Commerce (so no physical store).
Hope someone at PayPal will read this and write back soon 😞

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Hello @Fannie123 and @DiogoP

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I understand you've been asked to create a business account when connecting your Shopify to your PayPal account. What information you need to provide and verify when you have a business account may vary from country to country. However, I recommend filling out the business details to the best of your ability and as honestly as possible. If you already have an existing personal account that you'd rather upgrade, please check out this Help Center article

When first creating the account, your legal business contact name needs to be your legal first and last name. When creating your business information, if you don't have a business name, you can use your first and last name or the name of your Shopify Store. If you don't have a business address, I'd recommend using your home address. After creating your account, if you're missing some details, you may receive a request for those details through our Resolution Center.

If you haven't already, don't forget to confirm your email, verify your account, and confirm your identity before you start accepting payments

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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