Does Paypal share their customer information and contact details with entities and other businesses? There is an unauthorized charge $20 disguised as WHO COVID-19 INVOICE received on Sunday, Aug.9. Albeit considered a political issue and supporting commercial vaccinations. How did they get hold of my (and your) Paypal account and my contact information and why did they remove $20 from my account without my permission? Perhaps it is "only" an invoice, but next to it it lists the amount as -$20, which usually means that my balance has been deducted by $20. That confuses me. Was the amount removed from my account? Paypal has made impossible to contact them regarding this matter. First of all the $20 charge or the invoice is absolutely unauthorized. Second, I choose whom I allow to send me invoices. Thirdly, there is no way to cancel or reject that invoice (or to get the $20 back). Only the PAY IT button and also next to it is a box asking for an extra tip! Fourthly, there is no way to verify who they really are and whether this is a scam. Paypal has endorsed them with their email and allowing this invoice into my personal space, but Paypal message also clarifies that unless I am addressed with my FULL NAME it may be illegit, and the message addresses me (and bills me to) by my email address instead. Fifthly, there is no way to contact Paypal regarding this INVOICE nor dispute it. Paypal states it is undisputable and they are unable to even take my complaint about this invoice. I tried all options available at Upon visiting WHO website they state in writing that they never solicit funds nor their banking information from people. "Please note: there have been some cases reported of people fraudulently posing as WHO or the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. WHO, the UN Foundation, nor the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation will ever contact you for your credit card or banking details." Yet Paypal confirmation email received makes it look legit as if it was even endorsed by Paypal. A request to donate perhaps, as unsolicited email outside of a financial account such a bank or Paypal, but an Invoice and contact and account info of the customer provided to them by Paypal Inc.? This is not the first time Paypal Inc. allows a scam, a fraud or even a legit donation demand (invoice = demand!) to penetrate Paypal user's account with disrehgard to privacy and they offer no recourse or resolution on it. Just to mention I am with Paypal since year 2000. Here is the COPY and PASTE copy of the invoice (with some parts obliterated for privacy). Pay attention to the "AMOUNT DUE" part!!: Invoice Details Add a Tip $ Response Fund for WHO COVID-19 Solidarity COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO INVOICE Invoice #: 4451 Invoice date: Aug 9, 2020 Amount due: $20.00 Bill To: "myemailaddresswashere" Description Amount COVID-19 Relief Fund Help us to expand our water, sanitation, hygiene, and health programs to save more lives. As COVID-19 spreads, it poses a grave danger to communities with struggling health systems. $20.00 Subtotal $20.00 Total $20.00 USD Notes The world has never faced a crisis like COVID-19. The pandemic is impacting communities everywhere. It’s never been more urgent to support the global response, led by the World Health Organization (WHO). Donations support WHO’s work, including with partners, to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate research and development of a vaccine and treatments for all who need them. Some donations also support additional Fund partners UNICEF, the World Food Programme, the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and the vaccine development alliance CEPI. Donors from Canada, China, Japan, or certain European countries, and the UK, may wish to give online to our Fund partners in these countries. ================================================================================================================= UPDATE: I finally found out how to cancel that invoice (by listing all transactions in a row, then a cancel option appears), which shows that it was a "legit" invoice powered by Paypal and sent by WHO, just waiting for WHO's confirmation response on that one. Disregard for customer's privacy of contact and account data! No wonder Pres. Trump canceled support for WHO and the Convid.
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