Forum Posts

Resolved! Is it possible to make payments in RON (Romanian Leu) through PayPal?

Hi all. I would like to implement the PayPal Standard Checkout integration ( on my website, allowing dynamic payment amounts. However, I am particularly interested in enabling payments i...

CiprianS by Contributor
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Paypal subscription Api

I integrated PayPal subscription in JavaScript. And subscription id store in database. Then I used task scheduling monthly to check that subscription id 's transactions to create invoice also cancel subscription. But the problem is I can't check subs...

How do I set up webhooks in my PayPal account?

Prerequisites: Your PayPal’s email address must be confirmed.You must have a PayPal verified Business account. Overview: Webhooks are HTTPS posts from PayPal to an endpoint on your server. Whenever a corresponding event type occurs, PayPal will send ...

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How do I resolve RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Error?

The RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND error occurs when the system fails to locate a requested resource using the supplied identifier or ID. This error typically arises during operations such as retrieving, updating, authorizing, or processing orders. Common Causes...

What is the meaning of "RATE_LIMIT_REACHED"?

Purpose: The term "RATE_LIMIT_REACHED" is used when an application sends too many API requests within a minute. If you or your customers come across an HTTP 429 Unprocessable Entity - RATE_LIMIT_REACHED message, it implies that an unusually high numb...

How do I generate PayPal Client ID & Secret Key?

Prerequisites: Your PayPal’s email address must be confirmed.Before generating live API credentials, you must have a PayPal verified Business account. Follow the below steps to generate your Client ID & Secret Key: Log in to the PayPal Developer Port...

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API not returning information for all Subscription types

Hi!  I am using an integration engine from (formerly Integromate) to try and gather information on all of my client Subscriptions via the Rest API.  When querying transactions I am running into an issue where any SubscriptionID I try to quer...

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baldymac by New Community Member
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Authorization failed due to insufficient permissions

{"name":"NOT_AUTHORIZED","message":"Authorization failed due to insufficientpermissions.","debug_id":"32595f057a13b","details":[{"issue":"UNVERIFIED_API_USER_ERROR","description":"Your account isnot authorized for Invoicing API usage Refer to the pro...

xbayyed by New Community Member
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Attach pdf to Invoice created with API

Hello, i am creating an invoice with the API in Python and i am trying to attach the pdf with the Terms an Conditions to the invoice but for some reason it doesnt work, i tried using this implementing it this way as shown on the developers page, but ...

olthom by Contributor
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Invoice rest apis

Psy09 by Contributor
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