BUNQ link problem


Hello, I am from Netherlands and I opened PayPal account in the Netherlands. I want to link my BUNQ account via bank "link a bank" section and I can find BUNQ there. Then, I connect with BUNQ, accept this, PayPal can find my account. However, at the end, Paypal gives an error and can't link my account. On the other hand, in BUNQ application, it says Paypal (Europe) has access to my account.


I also add money to my paypal balance via İdeal and it was successful. However, I can't use that balance to buy something via Paypal because it says "We weren’t able to set up preapproved payments at this time. Please try again later.".


Because I can't link my bank account, I also can't transfer that money in the balance to my bank account and the money stuct there. 


How can I solve the problem?

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Hi @mericbrbn,


Welcome to the community and thank you for your post!

I am sorry to hear you are having issues adding your bank account. I know this must be frustrating. It sounds like you may be experiencing an issue with our internal secuirty system when trying to add your bank account.


I would suggest you clear your cache and cookies, or try again using an alternative browser. Sometimes the system just needs time to reset. 


If you continue to experience this issue, please contact our Customer Support


I hope this helps!


- Rachel 

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I'm having the same issue. I tried to change the browser but it keeps happening the same link problem and I can't link my bunq account in any way.


Gabriel [removed]

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New Community Member

I am having the same problem. Has anybody found a solution?
Thank you

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I don't remember completely right now because I had another problem at the same time, but as I remember I contacted with PayPal and they said the system blocked my Bunq account because of many try. They remove the ban and I could link my account.  

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Man, they would do every dirty move in the book to prevent you from withdrawing your money. NOTHING works.

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