how do I access payouts from game apps?


Ive recieved 9.24 ERO from a game app but I have no Idea how to access it any help please???

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I play a game that is supposed to send my winnings to my PayPal account but I haven't received it does anyone know anything about this sort of thing?
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Loads of posts on here all saying money ''pending'' from one game or another but I have never seen anyone actually get paid any money.
The large amounts of cash folks are trying to withdraw are a lot more than any game could earn with their advertisement sponsorships.

They just want you to think you will get cash to make you play or watch their ads or videos.
Research first as its very unlikely you are going to get a lot of money from playing a game !

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member
I have made over 1,000 dollars and still hasn't come yet please I would like my payment
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Nice funding source your all set, and secure have you tried the ******cash 💳 unfortunately you can't customized this one.
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New Community Member

Same boat for me except I have a little over $8k sitting in this game that keeps telling me human service is never available You Should try to find out who Owns this game and speak to them ask them why they are comitting fraud.

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Where's my money it says pending
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Seems to me that we have all been robbed of money time and for some of us an income of sorts I haven't even Heard of anyone who has been "Gifted" any funds of any kind I'm **bleep** but I keep playing Praying that the next game will pay out🤯😤
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Ya me to and 1000's of others just like us spend hours upon hours doing what they say watch all thier commercials so they can steal and sell ur data I've talked to a big dog lawyer and want to start a class action law suit against paypal amozon and unity games if everyone feels the same come and join me <removed> leave me a line or two here they won't let me leave email so I shortened it up get me your name email and how much ur owed enough is enough these big companies taking advantage of people and straight out lying and false advertising time for us to do something about it and if a team of Good lawyers see this come join us thanks

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I'm 1000% down for a class action lawsuit. & while we're at it, maybe we should go after google/apple for allowing these games in their stores
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How can Apple App Store let this happen? Why won’t they take the games off if they are scams?
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