Sent money with guest link, how do I get my refunded money back to me?

Sent money with a guest link, now the person is refunding me money to my email that is not connected to my account. How do I get that money?
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Hello @Arig28


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. Sorry to hear there's been some confusion receiving a refund from someone. No matter how you send a payment, the receiver should see the option to refund on their end as long as the payment has been completed. We do not recommend receiving a refund any other way. If you receive a refund as a payment, the other party may have the opportunity to dispute that payment and have it returned to them. If the other party needs assistance processing a refund, please have them reach out to our Customer Support. 


Hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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Hey Jon thanks for responding! So she did refund me the money, but it is connected to the email that is NOT connected to my PayPal account. How do I get that money?
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