Question about primary currency and withdrawing to your bank account


Hello, I just created my PayPal business account, which is based in Romania. Most of my clients are in the US, so I'll mostly dealing with dollars. The primary currency is set as USD.

I have a couple of questions. I have first read that this isn't possible that my primary currency should be the local currency, but this isn't the case. It's clearly set to USD. 


If I withdraw USD from PayPal to my local bank account will it be best to open a USD account?


I would like to avoid dealing with USD since it's not used here, dealing with EUR would be better, so what would happen if I have clients in the US who I sell to in USD but then have EUR as a primary currency? I could ask the same question but with the local currency which is RON.


Thank you 

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Esteemed Advisor



Withdrawals to bank accounts are always in local currencies.

However if you have a USD currency card then you may be able to withdraw the funds to that one.

However why not just bill your clients in Euros?

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Are they always in local currencies even if you have USD as primary currency on PayPal and that it is a USD account?

What if I have a EUR card, set my primary currency as EUR and then sell in USD will there be transaction extra transaction fees for that setup?

Most of my clients are from the US, so I don't want to bill them in a different currency. Also, my local currency is RON not EUR.

This is also a business account, if it matters.

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Hello @HadrianAelius and @kernowlass

Welcome to the Community, @HadrianAelius, and thanks for starting this one, @kernowlass

I understand you'd like to learn more about currencies and currency conversions on PayPal, @HadrianAelius. If your payment-receiving preferences are set up to accept more than one currency, you can accept currencies other than your local currency and whichever primary currency you select. If you set your primary currency to EUR as well as the currency associated with your card but receive USD, there would be a currency conversion if you withdraw. You can learn more about the currency calculator and how to convert currencies on our Help Center using the links I've included. (You will not need to convert the currency upon withdrawal manually.)

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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I have two currencies in my wallet: $ and €. The primary currency is currently set to €. I want to change it to $, but when I select "More," the button simply doesn’t work, meaning nothing happens. What should I do?

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