PayPal Credit sending 2 payments to Apple services, Apple says only one payment received.


Hi, brand, hope I’ve posted correctly!

This is something I spotted but because big problems elsewhere got neglected.  Anyway, I buy 50gb of extra data from Apple and it used to be 0.79pence a month.  Then it went up to .99pence a month.


But earlier on doing a check this has been going on for a long time sending 2x payments a month.


Apple can only see one payment coming in a month, but on my PayPal credit account they have been sending out 2 payments a month.

just one day apart.

Has anyone else had this?

Many thanks 

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Hello @Chillymillie09 


Congratulations for your first post in the PayPal Help Community!


Sorry to hear about the billing issue for the Apple services in your PayPal Credit account. In this case, your best option would be contacting the PayPal Credit team to get this checked further. You can find the contact option to reach PayPal Credit team here


Good luck,


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