I received money and it is on hold

New Community Member
I received a payment from company to my PayPal cuz they are forwarding company and they damaged one of my packages. So they refunded me its cost. But the money is pending and o hold. Not in my balance. Why?
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They couldn't have used the 'refund' option and so 'sent' a payment instead. As it was sent using goods/services option paypal saw you as a seller would have charged you a fee and applied the new seller hold as per links.







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New Community Member
No, they couldn’t use refund. I didn’t buy anything from them It is a forwarding company in USA. I live outside USA. I ship to them my packages and they consolidate them together and ship them to my country. One of my packages that they received it got damaged because of them and as apology they asked me to send them the package invoice and they pay its cost to me. They asked me would you like to send to your PayPal or to put the money in wallet in their website. I told them to send to my PayPal and gave them my email. Then they sent me the money. But it is on hold and yes there’s also fees that I see
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Esteemed Advisor



Which is exactly what I  said in my above post !!

Read the links re the new seller hold and how to get the funds released. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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