I keep getting an error message Sorry, we couldn’t confirm it’s you


I keep getting an error message "Sorry, we couldn’t confirm it’s you" despite just trying tse,d money to the same people i have been sending them money for a whiiiile , my phone number and ID and adresse  and everything else are good and condirmed i just get this porblem this morning , tried contacting support and its always "there are no agent"

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Are you using a VPN at all?

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Nope , didn't do anything different , just logged in like normal  and tried to send money to a friend (we have been doing transactions for a while) and just like that i've got this problem

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Hi everyone! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. Thank you @kernowlass for your help on this post, we appreciate all your time and experience.


@indiatrauma, I'm sorry to hear you've been receiving an error when trying to send a payment through PayPal. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? If that doesn't work, please reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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