Do Sellers See Addresses For Non-Material Purchases?


Question: Suppose I'm purchasing something that doesn't require a shipping address because I'm not actually buying a physical, say I'm paying to have someone review/edit a document I'm writing (like, a service). Does the Seller still see my physical address, or does the disclosure of information on PayPal vary depending on whether you're purchasing goods or services? I'm certain that they need to see my name and e-mail address (for obvious reasons), but the documentation I've seen doesn't seem to clearly state how address disclosure is handled.

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Hello @Caernavon


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I can certainly understand why you'd wish to confirm what the seller sees when you make a purchase. Here you can view PayPal's Privacy Hub where you can confirm the seller will only see your mailing address if you bought something that needs to be mailed.


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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