Delivery address has wrong name


When purchasing, the delivery address used by Paypal is correct, but the address has my wife's name instead of mine. The Paypal account is in my name and I can't find any reference to my wife's name anywhere in my profile. Any ideas as to how this is happening and how I fix it?

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Was it a website your wife has ordered from before and so the website saved addy was used?

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No, it's a new website to both of us. This is not the first time, I've just used Paypal again to order from Brook Taverner and again the delivery is addressed to me wife. They must be getting it from somewhere.

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Esteemed Advisor



Contact Customer Service and let them know that you would like to remove a name from one of your addresses. They will want to know the specific name and address to remove it from. 

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Thanks, I'll try that.

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I contacted Customer Service and they suggested 2 things. 1. Change the name in the address in your profile. There is no name in the address. 2. Contact the supplier and tell them to change the name on the delivery address. I'd never used this supplier before and neither had my wife. So where is my wife's name coming from - it can't be the supplier. I've given up trying to figure this out. My wife will have to continue to be disappointed when she opens some of my golf purchases.
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Esteemed Advisor



Just had a thought (amazing at my age), do you think its the auto-fill option on your computer that has your wife's name linked with the address in autofill and it did it automatically and you didn't spot it. After all we normally just check the address !!

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It’s an idea, but I don’t think so. It first appears when you click “pay with PayPal” and the initial PayPal screen appears.

I’m going to wait until I next buy something with PayPal and document every step. Odds are it won’t happen!

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New Community Member

I am having this sme issue, but with an old address. It has been deleted, and new addresses loaded, but keeps adding in the old address. I don`t even see it as an option until I get an order confirmation. Trying to work my way through it, but very frustrating


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Did you fix this and could I ask how? Thank you Kelly
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