preauthorized payment not complete

Hi, I was trying to buy something from the States but the shipping wasn't available to Canada. I've used the bank's conversion rate (CAD to USD), but I didn't complete the transaction as the shipping wasn't availaible to Canada. I noticed PayPal took money from my bank. When I signed into PayPal, it said On " "Preauthorization $xxx USD On September 15, 2022, was preauthorized for a purchase on your card xx-xxxx. If it isn't completed or completed with a different amount, any pending amount will be dropped off, usually within a day" Fast forward today, September 18, 2022, it dropped off but I don't see my money returned to my bank. Do I need to do anything? edit: I should also note that it is not on the completed transaction so I cannot open a case for dispute. edit: I read it takes 30 days to time out
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Hi @acooc,


Welcome to the community and thank you for your post!


I do understand your concern with this. When you attempt to make a payment, the amount can be temporarily charged to your bank/card. This is an authorization charge. 

As you did not complete the transaction, your order with the merchant would not be processed. Therefore, the temporary charge will be removed from your bank within 72 hours. 


It will not show as a refund as the funds were only temporarily placed on hold. The transaction should just be removed from your online banking. This is normal practice for online payments, so no need to be worried if this happens again.


I hope this helps!

- Rachel 

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Hi Rachel,


Thank you for your response. 


It has now been a week. The notification in PayPal has been removed but I do not see funds enter my bank account... 


The only proof of transaction is from my bank statement... so I don't know. 





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New Community Member
Have you received the refund? I'm also in the same boat now
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I am also having this issue, it's been 3 weeks and I cannot get anyone from PayPal to explain why they need to hold my funds for 30 days for a purchase I did not complete. I will think twice before using them after this. It's ridiculous. 

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Hello @awni123,


Thank you for visiting the Community Help Forum!


I understand your concern about the preauthorized charge in your PayPal account. When you attempt a payment, the amount will be charged temporarily to your bank/card and the same will be in pending status in your PayPal account, As the payment wasn't completed, any temporary hold on your bank/card will be released in few days and the pending charge will get dropped too. You can learn more about pending authorizations here : What’s an “authorization” and can I cancel it  


You can contact the merchant to cancel the pending authorization and you can see the seller’s contact details in the activity page by clicking on the pending transaction. If the seller is not able to cancel it, the authorizations will get voided automatically in 30 days. 


Hope this information helps,


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