Money deducted but Transaction Pending!


HELP! Credit card amount deleted but the transaction still appeared as Pending

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Are you the buyer or seller?

Pending where?

pending echeque TO your paypal balance from a buyer?
pending IN your paypal balance for an Ebay sale as a new seller?
pending IN your paypal balance for an off-Ebay sale as a new seller?
pending TO a company with you as the buyer?
pending / unclaimed to a seller?
pending / unclaimed with a cancel option to a seller?
pending withdrawal to your bank account?
pending adding funds to your paypal account?

Advice is voluntary.
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I'm a buyer. My fund to seller appears as "pending" in my Paypal account. I don't see any transaction record in my Paypal account. The seller didn't receive my money neither. On the other hand, my credit card balance was deducted.
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hi,i don't know if you're issue is with an ebay seller,but i had something like that about year or more ago,as i always do with sellers i pay straight away,but this time the transaction did not go through,so i got back to the seller & told them about it,it turned out the seller had updated their email address & it apparently takes time for this to advise i can give is to check the transaction number to find out where & who you paid,also find out if the seller has updated anything through paypal..hope this helps.

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Sorry but first you said it was 'pending' in your paypal account.

Then you said there was no transaction in your paypal account.

Can you confirm?

Is it showing in your paypal account at all and if it is does it say pending OR pending/unclaimed OR pending awaiting authorisation? 

Advice is voluntary.
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1. Paypal top right notification button: Pending $XXX payment On 25 June 2022, you authorized a payment of $XXX on your card xx-XXXX. If the payment is voided for any reason, the pending amount won’t be charged. It may take a few days for this to show on your card statement. 2. Paypal - Past Activity page: Nothing, no record there 3. My credit card: deducted $XXX to Paypal
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Esteemed Advisor



When you pay a company then it is often pending or awaiting authorisation until that company processes your order and captures the pending payment.

If they don't process the order and capture that payment then the pending status times out at 30 days post-payment and returns back to your funding source.

Advice is voluntary.
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