Scammers sending payment




I have been reported to PayPal by an alleged buyer that didn’t receive an item from me. 
however, I haven’t sold or received payment from anyone. On my PayPal account it seems someone from china send me 196 EUR and requested a refund as the person didn’t receive an item. 
The person writes in Chinese, which I don’t understand, and PayPal asks me to solve the dispute.

As I don’t know the person or have any knowledge of the matter, I don’t want to try to go into any conversation, and certainly not trying to translate from Chinese.

Is this a known scam where they send money (that is not received) and ask for a refund?

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If you received funds into your paypal account by mistake then why would you not refund anyway?

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Hello @Jeppesen,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting! Thanks @kernowlass!


I understand your concern about receiving money from an unknown person. As per the information that you have shared, it is possible that the money were likely sent in an error. In this case, you can initiate a refund from your end as you mentioned that funds of 196 EUR from china were sent to you which is the reason there was a dispute raised against your account. In general, if the payment were sent via good and services, the sender will have an option to report the charge if there's any issue with transaction. Since you do not run a business or have requested money from anyone, I would advise to refund the funds back to same person only if credited in your account. Here's the Help Center Article to know more information about the Seller Protection. If you need any funds help, you can contact the team by clicking the "Contact us" option at the bottom of PayPal page. Support is also available through Facebook by sending PM, Twitter and Instagram on DM.




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