Over limit


Why my paypal account having a limit trouble ..hope someone help me for this

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Contact options for each countries Paypal customer services are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages.

1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, (during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out).
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a private direct message via Social Media on Facebook, Twitter/X, or Instagram pages.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I tried to message them but didnt let me something went wrong
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I cant see also the live support to talk to them .. they permanently limitation my account and cant used m paypal anymore ?? How about my funds there .. i takes 180days left .. omg
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Hello @Johnmichael1234,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I'm sorry to hear that we've permanently limited your account. I know that can be frustrating, but these decisions are not something made lightly. Typically if an account has been permanently limited, then some part of our user agreement has been broken. Permanent limitation is not a decision made lightly and often involves multiple factors, some of which may not be readily apparent to you. If you believe that there was a mistake, you can contact Customer Service and request a second look at the basis for the limitation decision and review if there is anything that was missed. If there is a mistake found, it can be corrected. If the decision is upheld, however, there would be no further avenue for appeal, as a permanent limitation is final. I would suggest reaching out to PayPal customer support again using any of the options found here, as they will be able to provide more direct assistance: PayPal Customer Support. If you still do not get connected with our representatives, support is also available through Facebook private messages or Twitter direct messages. 





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  • Dont say sorry .. i do really want to get my previous money in my paypal account becaue that waa important for me.. that is all .. 


Thank you

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