I was scammed by an IQ test website called Brainety, please help me to get my money back


I paid for their IQ test certificate for 2,16 euros and then a few days later they illegally and without my consent and participation debited 38,8 euros from my PayPal account and refused to refund the fraudulently debited money. Many of their customers, like me, have been scammed, their complaints can be found everywhere on the internet.
I didn't sign any acknowledgement of payments.
Unfortunately, when I made a small purchase of 2.16 euros from them, I did not realise that I was buying a product from a fraudster who then unauthorisedly set up an automatic debit to my PayPal account. I am asking you to help refund - 38,80 euros that the fraudsters charged my card illegally and without my involvement. In internet and in your HelpCenter  are many claims by other victims of this seller. 
But anyway I used PayPal just because you have security for us. I contacted customer support about this topic, but PayPal closed it. Does this mean PayPal is no longer secure if it ignores so many claims of fraudulent debits from the same seller? Or has PayPal any dealings with this scammer?

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You get nothing. They won't give you anything back. As long as there is no law that Paypal, Visa, Mastercard must inform you about setting up automatic payment and you must confirm it, this kind of robbing people will continue. But the fact is that you were deliberately misled like everyone else and you didn't know that you had confirmed something somewhere. 


This person cheated you.
Organization Rebilita, UAB
Owner: Marius [rmoved]Address: [removed]
Country Code LT
E-mail :
Telephone [removed]
Website: brainety.com
SSL certificate valid Valid


You can find here:

Orbio World [removed]

Here you can see how He looks.

Orbio world make frauds this ways.

They hiding in behind investments and internet marketing. But They are fraudants.
He also cheats with the sale of Japanese knives or pillows.


You can write to Interpol. 



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New Community Member

Go to your profile settings chack payments- see automatic payments and cancel

it worked for me




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Hey all, I've been scammed too.. Any update on how to proceed ?


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Hello, Alex. Please provide your order number so we could look into your case and contact you directly.

Brainety Support Team

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The same happened to me. Only today, after 6 months, i saw the scam. Did you or anybody got the refund?
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I didn't get a refund. PayPal's pretending everything's fine, too.

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I got a full refund because I found their contacts, fictive location also real bussines location, complete fraudulent activity and they knew it. I wrote to OLAF for potentional VAT fraud, because nobody not got invoices for the month fraud money. So they didn´t pay VAT to EU. Then I wrotoe to EU Institutions, Latvian Police, FBI Internet Fraud, Interpol etc. I started making them potential problems and kept going on and on. Each week I wrote to a different institution. I even provided this info to paypal for thought. I wrote is also here. But I see that the 90% information about they was by Paypal deleted. They contacted me alone with refund money.


I was also planning to start a petition on a well-known American platform regarding a new type of fraud. The petition was about the fact that banking houses and these payment methods are obliged to report to users and the user must confirm the consent to the payment with each payment. I was planning to write this case regarding paypal. In short, you have to start threatening them, push them all against the wall, and you have to have something in hand. As soon as you have something in your hand that can hurt them and you intend to use it anywhere, they will freak out. I enjoyed that. If they didn't give me my money back I would never stop creating problems for them. I had a goal to destroy their fraudulent business.


Do you know when you gave consent to your money? When you wrote your name in the box after the end of the test, when you wanted to have your name on the certificate. That was a disguised consent for month money payment for they. The fraudsters then managed to find a way to present this consent to paypal so that it looks genuine. Paypal sees it as genuine and therefore will not refund anything to anyone. Paypal does not know how this consent was fraudulently obtained.

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Thank you for your contribuition, mikegooglier.
As you can search in "scam-detector dot com" Brainety" has this reference:

Organization Rebilita, UAB

Owner Marius Buzaitis

Address Gedimino str. 45-7

State Kauno Apskritis

Postal Code 44239


Country Code LT

E-mail info at rebilita com

Telephone 37063555164

I got a message today from "BRAINTPRO" - how "chameleonesc" they are with names - saying they will full refund me after i close Paypal case, wich i'll not do until the moment i have my money at least on my Paypal account.
I'll give them one more day to solve things out or after that i'll contact OLAF, Europol and my country police for further investigation of fraud and tax evasion.

Let's keep all together.


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Thank you for informing. I'm here, ready to paticipate.🙌

Do you think will it be helpful to find other victims of Brainity's scaming? - I had an idea to make some shot cheap advertisement for their wesite audiense to contact more vicctims. For example, in a case if we will ask for a fair compensation then the ad spend could pay for itself.

Would you comment that idea please?

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It's too complicated a solution where you have to look for more hugs. Read all my answers here and you will understand how to get it from them.

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