

Hi. There were 2 fraudulent transactions on my account 3 days ago. I froze my debit card used for the first transaction within minutes, then whilst doing that a second transaction was completed using my PayPal credit account. Both transactions were for I phoned PayPal but they cut me off at 18.32 and because they're lines close at 18.30 I couldn't get through again. Created a transaction dispute through the resolution centre which has now closed, appealed and paypal say its legit. I emailed several times and they have refunded me for one of the transactions, however the one created after I froze my card, that went through on PayPal credit is still outstanding. I've changed all my passwords and removed as many cards from my PayPal account as I can. How do I resolve the charge to my paypal credit account, is there any way to fight this? I've emailed booking. Com again to try and get this refunded, but PayPal so far have been useless and regard it as legit transactions.

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I have had a charge via PayPal for but I haven't booked anything. PayPal closed the case within 30 mins of me opening it. I've just left a message for but after reading what you've written, it's not looking hopeful. I'm so upset, surely someone must be able to help. I have the 2 step security on my PayPal account, so thought it couldn't happen. I've changed my password, but am worried it will happen again and also won't get my money back. Please update on here if you get any positive news. I hope you manage to get what's owed to you back.
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Hi. Booking. Com refunded one of the transactions a day or two after I first contacted them, but not the other which was done (after I froze my card) on my PayPal credit account. I've had a lot of hassle trying to get it resolved, cut off from them on the phone and messaging service, had opened it through resolution centre as a case and appealed before I eventually got my money back. Absolute nightmare and considering closing my paypal account. The fight I had was shocking.
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Glad you finally got it sorted. have been a nightmare. Called and got given an email address to send evidence of charge through to - I did this and it said the email address is no longer monitored. Called again, the lady hung up on me. Called a 3rd time and the lady actually pretended she couldn't hear me and then hung up on me. I don't know what to do. I've message them on Facebook. I feel its paypal's responsibility though as someone would need to log into my account to have access to the funds. I don't know what to do next. Any tips?
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I was the same initially with, round and round in circles. I just tortured them with emails and screenshots regardless of their automated responses asking for a booking number/ confirmation details. Eventually someone replies. One of the phone numbers I got was [removed] (can't remember If this was any use). I think to start an email conversation I used their Web form: [removed]

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