Account limit

Hi all. A friend asked me to create a PayPal to receive financial assistance from a friend, I registered it to his email, now I can’t withdraw funds to the card in any way? It is necessary to provide his documents in support, but he is at war and simply physically cannot do this
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Esteemed Advisor



Firstly its against paypal rules to open a paypal account that is not in your legal name.

As the email address is in your friends name then anything added to this account has to be in his legal name.


Secondly read the link on information on how to withdraw the funds.

Advice is voluntary.
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Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear there's been some confusion using our services recently. Thank you @kernowlass for your help clearing up how to use PayPal properly.


@Los_Alexander, welcome! One more thing you may want to advise your friend on is how to resolve a limitation. 


Best wishes all, 


 - Jon K

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