Why are fraudsters granted so many right on this platform?


Why are fraudsters granted so many right on this platform? HI, I'm hoping someone can explain some concerns I am having with PayPal to me. I recently downgraded my account to a personal account as I know longer run a hobby business. I have an open dispute with a seller that deleted their Facebook marketplace account after I sent PayPal payment. They never shipped the item and have gone silent. It appears as though none of that information is expediting a quick resolution to my case? The "Seller" has 10 full days to respond to the case, but has gone silent. Having been on PayPal for years and years this is not only frustrating but doesn't seem fair to me to have such a great amount of money tied up with PayPal for so long. #2. I recently used PayPal to sell an item. I've entered tracking information, but only 1/2 of the payment is available to me. I read the other half is on hold as my account is being reviewed or something? So currently I have $537.39 CAD tied up with PayPal. I also have $3150USD tied up. That's a total sum of about $4800CAD. I ask you how am I supposed to use this platform to send and receive payment when PayPal is holding so much money for such an extended period of time when my positive history and longevity on this platform should be clear? This is very puzzling to have this sum tied up for so long. It is making rethink using this platform going forward. Which is a shame because I have been on here so long. I used to call, be complimented on how long I was using the platform, issues resolved over the phone almost immediately, and now I'm treated like the one who has committed a crime - unreal.

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I would use the online chat feature on the Contact us page under the "help" menu.  They may be able to enlighten you as to what as gone on.  The hold very well may not be due to you, but may well be the person on the other end causing the issue and PayPal is trying to protect your funds.


There are many reasons for Delays, I have been with PayPal since 1995.  I have had issues where payments have been held, but it turns out PayPal had caught someone trying to rip me off and had frozen the funds until they could sort it out.  I too was feeling a bit abused, but it turned out they had my best interest in hand and kept me from losing several hundred dollars. 


I am not saying this is your issue, just letting you know that the hold on the funds may not be your fault, but that of the other party.


Contact online chat and see if they can find out what is going on.  That is your best bet.  Our help will be only guess work and hearsay, theirs should be definitive and provide the information you are searching for.

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I have waited the full 10 days and the seller never responded to PayPal. At this pt. I would think the case would automatically close. This used to be the way things worked if I recall. The timeline now estimates another 8 days before resolution. This would be a total 20 days of having $5,000 tied up with PayPal. I would like to think Paypal would handle larger dollar value cases in a more expedited fashion than investigating small purchases.

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Hello everyone. Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I can understand how concerning it can be when your funds are being held and a dispute isn't going quite as expected. Thank you for your input on this thread @Grimreepr. We appreciate it. 


@psp, thank you for your time with PayPal. Regarding your dispute, I can confirm PayPal does not expedite cases based on amount or tenure of the customer. This is to keep a fair and balanced process for all buyers, as well as to provide the same timeframe to all sellers to provide any requested info. You can review PayPal's Dispute Process here. 


I also understand you have some funds on hold for an item you've recently sold. There may be a few reasons as to why those funds are held. Here's a great Help Center article to guide you through most Payment Holds you may be experiencing. In some cases, you might be able to help to release your held funds sooner. Check your account for more details.


I hope that helps. Best wishes on your dispute and future sales with PayPal. 


 - Jon K

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It will come to you better with patience
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Because they officially register
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PAYPAL seems to be willful haven for scammers! 

I have been trying to get help to report a scammer, but PAYPAL benefits too much to do what;s right!


I have been trying to report a specific scammer, NOT REQUESTING A REFUND, just reporting a scammer.

PAYPAL gives no venue for such instances. PAYPAL, through negligence, participates and enriches itself

from scammers, therefore they give all the benefits to criminals.


PAYPAL, why do you provide no venues to report a scammer and have them removed so they dont harm others? Ah, yes, because you profit from crimes!

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Hello @antiscammers


Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some difficulty reporting someone misusing PayPal's services. If you would like to report someone violating PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy, you can do so here: Report a Concern


Hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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