Donations to my Fundraiser are not appearing in Fundraiser activity

New Community Member

I recently created a fundraiser and have had 3 people donate to it. The donations are not showing up on the fundraiser's public activity, so the donators don't see that they've donated. The only way to see them is through Paypal activity, and they are shown as pending. When I try to accept the donations this way, it takes me to an error page that says I need to be logged in to access them (I am already logged in). Ultimately I log in again, and am taken back to the home page; if I try to accept the donation again I am taken back to the error page. Why are the donations not showing up in the fundraiser's public activity, and why am I not able to accept any donations?

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Hello @hoagie888


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues with a recent fundraiser. Has it been more than 30 days since you've started the fundraiser? If so, that may be the source of your errors. You can only run a fundraiser for 30 days at a time and capture a maximum of $20,000 USD. After 30 days, you would need to create another fundraiser. Here are a couple Help Center articles you may find useful: 


What is PayPal Fundraisers and how does it work?
How do I accept donations with PayPal?


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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New Community Member
I am having the same issue for a fundraising account created yesterday! I can see the money from my end but publicly it shows 0%. People that already contributed are suspicious. 😞 Thanks!
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Hello @Aquiroz79

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear your recent donations are not showing up publicly on your Fundraiser. If they're still not showing, I recommend reaching out to Customer Support for assistance investigating what might be happening. You can find the different options for contacting Customer Support here

I hope the donations update soon!

- Meghan

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