Paypal fees not returned to seller?


So someone made a purchase through Ebay & Ebay is connected to my Paypal. This person canceled the purchase and now i must refund them the amount they sent, BUT Paypal apparently keeps their 2.9% fee for the transaction? Is this correct? Am i understanding this correct? If so this is pathetic! Paypal will never get any business from me. I have a business account & have placed numerous large purchase using their services including one recent purchase that was $3,915.00. This is insane! It's stealing is what it boils down to & you're asking for a lawsuit. If i'm wrong someone please point me in the right direction.

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“If you refund a payment for goods or services, there are no fees to issue the refund, but the fees you originally paid as the seller are not returned to you.”

Also it’s in the user agreement too:

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