Having a Major Problem. Need Help

New Community Member

Okay so I'm going to put this in as much detail as possible so that there isn't any misunderstanding about the situation.

I have two paypal accounts.

I haven't had access to my bank in about two weeks now as I'm out of town.

So what I did in order to work out how much money I had left in both of my bank accounts was I went into one Paypal account, and sent money to my other paypal account.

Now when I did this with the account that has a debit card attached to it, I would put in a higher number and it would fail because I did not have that much left in my account. So I would slowly work my way lower and lower from that until that money finally did transfer, and then I knew how much money I had in that account.

But when I tried to do the same with the second bank account I have attached to that paypal, one which does not have a debit card, it didn't give me the same results.
Amounts were going through that I knew I could possibly have left, but it kept saying the money was sent.

But here's the thing, it wasn't, not all of it anyway.

Part of it went through just fine and I received the money in my second paypal account.

But two payments that I sent, one for 100, and the other for two hundred are stuck at pending and have been for days now.

Both pending payments said they'd be resolved by today, the 22nd, but now they both say June 6th and I just don't know how to cancel these.

I have talked with customer service about this several times so far and they don't seem to understand what I'm saying when I explain all this.

And as long as these two payments are stuck there at pending, my bank account is three hundred dollars OVERDRAWN.


So what I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with here is, how do I get rid of these pending payments? I'm absolutely desperate here to resolve this. I've even tried calling my bank, and even they don't seem to understand what I'm saying.


Oh, also, the money that did go through successfully, it's been pending since I attempted to transfer it from my paypal balance to my card.

But the people at Customer Service say that that's just a twenty four hour lock and it should be gone by tomorrow, here's hoping.

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