How does someone who don't have or want a PayPal account send money to my PayPal account?
My mom is old and don't want a PayPal account but wants to put money in mine for me. What is the easiest way for her to do it without creating a account
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My mom is old and don't want a PayPal account but wants to put money in mine for me. What is the easiest way for her to do it without creating a account
I am trying to pay to someone and keeps trying to say the payment is denied can anyone help me. I contacted the customer service. The says there is no problem. Also I contacted to the bank also they said there is no problem
I want to keep my transactions from PayPal to my linked prepaid card to be in USD.? How do I prevent my money when I withdraw from PayPal to my credit card from changing the coin from US to EGY pound? Is there anything or action I should take / and f...
When I try to pay with throw PayPal it asks me to choose a payment method twice on different windows, how can I choose a payment method in one step?<Removed><Removed>
I am not able complete my transfer. Getting error message "Sorry, PayPal Plus is currently not available. Please update Your basket and try again or contact shop administrator."
I tried to order something and pay with paypal, at the end i did not complete the order but still received an email informing of the date when paypal reduce the amount from account. In this case, will paypal reduce the amount?
I can’t seem to use PayPal on my ps5! Help me it’s comes up with invalid account or password but that’s correct!
I cant make a purchase on any web pages. When a web page sends me to paypal for payment paypal asks me to login then shows processing but sends me back the web page of the item i am trying to buy then the web page send me back to paypal and its an en...
Receiving money or send money
Hello All, My worst fear is being scammed. I just put down a deposit for a puppy ready on Nov 6th. Seller wants me to confirm receipt and that states that I received the order (which I haven’t and won’t until November) If the seller disappears after ...