Removing old shipping addresses that are not cached or on vendor's servers?


I've been a Paypal user since at least 2011, and changed my address several times without a problem.  However, my most recent move and attempt to update my Paypal shipping address doesn't work, and won't work.  I've updated the address on my account page, made it primary, deleted all the old addresses, and somehow the shipping address when I pay using Paypal is the wrong address.  This even happens on brand new computers, with vendors I have never purchased before, so it's definitely not a vendor issue or browser cache/cookies issue.  It's been annoying, but I just had one seller ( that didn't even give me a chance to change the address and just shipped it.


Paypal support (including second tier) seems to think this issue doesn't exist. They cannot read any of the support forums that mention support saying "we're the only ones that can fix this":


And, new users cannot even comment on items more than a year old to let people know that the old methods for fixing it don't work:


I'm hoping someone can step in and fix this.  Otherwise I'm done buying anything online with Paypal (because I cannot be sure it will get the correct address), and done with the forums (because they don't allow updates for accuracy)

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This just happened to me as well in the past month all with new vendors. Although I went to my profile page, updated my new address, made it primary and then deleted the others, as soon as the vendor received was generated, I saw my old address being listed as the shipping address. I was given the option to confirm my shipping address either or I would’ve obviously changed it right then and there to reflect my new address. Of all the vendors I’ve contacted, only one already shipped and so I would have to update my forwarding address with the post office or I would need to reorder after they do a refund. I read several solutions on this community page and just now, I contacted PayPal customer services on the phone and talked to a representative. Her screen shows my old shipping addresses as guest addresses. My profile does not have a “guest” listing for me to even update. But, the representative was able to delete all of the other previous addresses. So, now I’ll have to order something else and see if the issue is solved. Hope this helps you in some way. It was very frustrating let me tell you.
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I apologize for errors in my reply as there is no editing function. Should say” Vendor receipt” not received. And “I was NEVER given the option to confirm my shipping address…”
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WHy has Paypal made itself so much harder to use?

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