Re: Old shipping address appearing when using a third party sale connect.

New Community Member

Same happened to me.  Not sure where the address is coming from, but do not see it anywhere in my account. Super frustrating.  I tried the resolution center, and they contacted the seller, which did zero to solve the issue.  The real issue is with is PayPal populating an address that is not, and has never been, part of my account?  I have not given up yet.  I tried to locate my package by driving to the address it was delivered to, only to find out it was a Hospital, and they had already returned my package to the sender.  Apparently PayPal does not read the information submitted in their resolution center, or they would have refunded my money.  The seller not only received payment for an item I did not receive, but received the item back.  PayPal closed the case, and I cannot escalate.  I am not done yet, so hopefully will receive a refund from PayPal.

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This issue was reported in 2022, but PayPal has done nothing to fix it. Instead they incorrectly marked the topic as "solved".

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