How to remove or edit old shipping addresses for my contacts?


I have multiple old addresses for some of my contacts that I want to update. For example, I buy some item, pay via PayPal, and want it shipped to my sis (who moves often). How do I clean up that list of old addresses? PayPal keeps sending me to MY address. The only time I see this list is when I’m doing a transaction like the one above.

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Ha paypal,
You are worth $69.82 billion dollars, Get you head out of you behind and fix this issue.
It's infuriating not being able to remove these. I am literally not making some purchases with paypal because I have to go through so many addresses to select the right one. You can do better!

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Me too, I have the same problem, can’t get rid of confusing old shipping addresses, how frustrating! But why is nobody at PayPal Listening? Awful, just awful.

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Once upon a time these addresses actually were manageable through the website, which means PayPal consciously made a decision to make the experience worse. Twenty years ago, this wasn't an issue.  PayPal needs to get their crap together and bring back this and other account management features they have stripped from the interface over the years. I'm not happy that I have to call and talk to someone on the phone to solve a problem that was never a problem before. The user experience has been on a steady downward trajectory ever since the eBay merger. Unbelievable to think that a website exists that was more functional over two decades ago than it is today. They should be embarrassed

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