Change Account ? Advice requested

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Our non-profit organization is listed as a personal account in PayPal's.  We would like to have a nonprofit account status for giving purposes.  We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization in the USA.  I think we would qualify for little or no administrative fees in PayPal, correct?  When we get this running smoothly this should be what we need for nonprofit manager in Facebook?  It appears you have to be registered in PayPal to be registered in Facebook and then Instagram.  Anyone know?  I emailed customer service but haven't heard anything back.  I tried to set up a business account in PayPal several times, but it kicked me out several times.  I haven't got the task completed.  Thanks

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Hello @Just_Here--2023 


Thank you for joining the PayPal help Community!


I understand that you're looking to upgrade your personal account to register as a nonprofit in order to receive donations at discounted rate. You need to have a business account to register it as as a nonprofit in order to receive donations. Since you're not bale to upgrade your account, I suggest you to contact the support team to get your account upgraded to Business account. Once you upgraded your account, you can follow the steps listed in this page to register your account as a non profit. 


I hope this information helps you,


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