how do I unlink paypal from an ebay account I no longer use


Hello to all,


With his permission I have been using my son's eBay account for some years but now he's having it back to start up his own business.

Is there a way I can unlink my Paypal account from this eBay account? Have tried doing it both in eBay and Paypal, no joy.

Thank you in advance and best wishes.

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Hello @AuntySocialite


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues unlinking your PayPal account from your son's eBay account. Have you the Account section in your "My eBay" section of eBay? After that, you should see "PayPal account link" and should be able to "Remove" it from there. 


I hope that helps, good luck with your son's sales in the future!


 - Jon K



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