How to win a PayPal dispute as a seller


Hello, community!

A friend of mine has an insane situation, 3 months ago, my friend sold a Louis Vuitton bag on eBay, everythinng was fine, the buyer left positive feedback, she said that it is very happy with the item, and now after 3 months she says that the bag is not authentic and she wants a refund. First of all, that's impossibile because the bag is 100% authentic. My friend asked her to go to the LV authorized store to check there but she didn't want to do that, she replied that she asked some persons on internet and these persons told her that the bag is not authentic. She used the bag for 3 months and now she wants moneyback???? She opened a dispute on PayPal as item not as described, My friend has all the proofs (all screenshots of the discusstions on eBay) where can be seen that she lye even from the beginning). I don't know how to help my friend that's why asked you here, how can my friend win the dispute on PayPal?? The buyer told to my friend that she did this in the past with others sellers so she knows the procedures of PayPal and has chances to lye to PayPal and win. My friend has no experience with this kind of situation and also we do not know the PayPal procedures, so please someone here can advise us how can we win the PayPal dispute?? She used the bag 3 months. Please let us know. Thank you so much! God bless you! 

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @sweetylv


Thanks for reaching Community forum!


This will be a tedious process for the seller and best option is he/she need to contact customer service to explain his side and he/she need to provide all necessary documents. The claim opened by the buyer is not a simple claim because it is Infrigement Case which is violation to the PayPal User Agreement and by Federal Law. The only way to refute this claim is a document or proof that this is not a counterfeit item. It's better if you let the seller reach customer service so they check it well. Hope this helps!



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I cannot understand how can PayPal accept request like this from buyers who they have no proofs about what they're telling. this buyer used a $2000 bag for 3 months and now she wants a refund??? also on eBay she left positive feedback she said that it is very happy with the item, and now after 3 months she wants to return it lying PayPal that she think that the item it's not authentic??? after 3 months??? if PayPal will decide that the buyer has to win the case that's means PayPal encourage scamming on this platform. Every person can buy items used them for 180 days and on the 179 day if they will open a dispute as "item not as described" the buyer will win???? My friend has all the proofs (the discuttions between her and the buyer where can be seen that this buyer lye, so someone should review them professionally) the only problem it is that she doesn't have the receipt for the item because she received the bag as a present and then she sold it on eBay. So, how can the seller win the dispute, what are the procedures that my friends needs to do the prove PayPal that this buyer it's a thief? I'm new on PayPal and my friend does not have any experience with situations like this so we do not know what we have to do, and what are the PayPal procedures in situation like this.

Thank you so much,

Kindly Regards

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @sweetylv 


Welcome to PayPal Community. What we can suggest for your friend to do in this situation is to promptly respond to the dispute. If the case has been escalated to a claim, we may ask your friend to provide supporting documents or evidences for the claim through email so please inform her to check her email from time to time since we will be sending her updates. About the screenshots that she has, she can upload those on the Resolution Center page of her PayPal account. Those information will be helpful for us to make a decision about the case. She can check these pages for more information


Can I provide additional information or evidence to help resolve a claim? 

What is Buyer Abuse? 


Hope this helps. Keep safe!

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