Pay After Delivery - why not available???

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I have come to LOVE the Pay After Delivery option.  As a person who does NOT own or use credit cards, this was my way of being able to make purchases before the funds were available so that I was SURE they would arrive on time.  But I was HIGHLY dismayed to find this evening, when I went in and made a larger-than-usual purchase in the hopes of not having to pay for it until 2 weeks from now (well AFTER my next pay day!), it was not provided as an option...but it was too late to cancel the transaction, so I had to pay for it anyway!  I would NOT have purchased this item tonight if I had known I wouldn't have 2 weeks to pay for it.  Now I'm financially strapped for the next 2 weeks.  If this is not going to be consistently offered as an option, I WISH that information would be provided IN ADVANCE...before we commit to buy the item!  😞  Not cool.

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Well it seems to be not working for me again, as of today.

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Yep, it would just randomly work for me and then not. I'm in good standing with paypal and my accts, never have had any kind of issues so I just don't get it. When I purchased something off the web a week or so ago it gave me the PAD option, I about fell off my chair and thought YES, we are back on track! Well, since I did use the PAD for that purchase it has not been a option sinceCat Mad

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It was working fine for me for several weeks, when that problem seemed to clear itself up.  Now, again, it's not giving me the option to use it anymore. 



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First I couldn't use pad anymore and now I can't even fund with my checking account. No problems with my account and customer service doesn't know why. I'm definitely saving money not buying on ebay anymore though.
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It worked for me today (06/17/13).  It was just for a small purchase on the eBay Daily Deals page for $19.99..... this is the first time in MONTHS that it worked for me.

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  WHEN is Paypal going to respond to us with an accurate, truthful answer?  It appears, just from reading the pages and pages of comments about Pay After Delivery, that any of us who have contacted Paypal through phone or email, have only received the run-around from incompetent customer service reps.!!  Not one person from Paypal has taken the time to provide an honest response - We can't even get a rep. to respond to the comments on this forum!  

  A couple days ago when Paypal sent me a customer service survey to complete, I laughed and then I totally ripped them for their LACK of service.  They are obviously having some serious issues and not only with PAD.  When funding sources just randomly change from transaction to transaction for no apparent reason and no one at Paypal can provide an answer, and this is happening to loyal customers with accounts in great standing, there is a much bigger issue here.  Bigger issues that Paypal is either blind to or fully aware of and just lying about.  It wouldn't be the first time a company has failed to admit problems with it's product!  Like many others, I buy less and less on eBay and now I'm avoiding using Paypal as much as possible!  

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 PAD is so random, the other night I was looking at something that was not a ebay transaction and thought what the heck I'll for fun add it to my cart and continue to the payment option and see what happens and low and behold the PAD was an option. The last time PAD was available for me was almost 4 weeks ago so I'm beginning to think that its only allowing us one transaction and until that clears we don't get to use PAD. I opted to not purchase the item I was looking at in hopes of seeing something I truly wanted and "saving" the PAD for that. I hope I didn't use up my PAD even tho I didn't purchase the item.. I feel for the sellers on ebay, I'm sure they are taking a hit from this as I use to purchase quite a bit at one time and as I mentioned before I am a good loyal customer in perfect standing with paypal.

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@aviandano wrote:

 PAD is so random, the other night I was looking at something that was not a ebay transaction and thought what the heck I'll for fun add it to my cart and continue to the payment option and see what happens and low and behold the PAD was an option. The last time PAD was available for me was almost 4 weeks ago so I'm beginning to think that its only allowing us one transaction and until that clears we don't get to use PAD. I opted to not purchase the item I was looking at in hopes of seeing something I truly wanted and "saving" the PAD for that. I hope I didn't use up my PAD even tho I didn't purchase the item.. I feel for the sellers on ebay, I'm sure they are taking a hit from this as I use to purchase quite a bit at one time and as I mentioned before I am a good loyal customer in perfect standing with paypal.

I'm not sure  about the "saving PAD" thng you mentioned.  I just did a PAD two days ago and one today.  It was a Buy It Now on eBay.  I added the item to the cart.  At checkout in eBay, payment defaulted to my checking account.  I clicked on "change" to change the mode of payment, and redirected to PayPal where PAD was an option again.  I tried doing the exact same purchase earlier today on eBay mobile from my phone but the option was not available.

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PAD DOES WORK -- EVERY TIME -- as long as the purchase meets PAD requirements.


HOWEVER, it only works if you DO NOT integrate paypal with ebay.  DISABLE the integration (whee you don't leave ebay to make a payment.)   If you do that, PAD seems to work every time for me.



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@w1ve wrote:

PAD DOES WORK -- EVERY TIME -- as long as the purchase meets PAD requirements.


HOWEVER, it only works if you DO NOT integrate paypal with ebay.  DISABLE the integration (whee you don't leave ebay to make a payment.)   If you do that, PAD seems to work every time for me.



I am glad it works for you every time, however this is not the case for all of us hence the reason for this string.  Hoping that an informed PayPal employee can explain the ins and outs of PAD.


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