Up until a few days ago I was using a PayPal page that displayed each activity with fees and running balance (Gross | Fee | Net | Balance). It was in PayPal's old/classic UX, so not pretty, but very useful. There wasn't a link in the current UX to get to it, but I had bookmarked the URL: https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_choose-transaction.
Today, that URL doesn't work - it resolves to the new/current UX "Activity" page (https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/transactions/). I was bummed and decided to reach out to customer service by chat and they help some.
Turns out you can get the same information (Gross | Fee | Net | Balance) from the new UX as follows:
1. Go to this URL: https://www.paypal.com/listing/transactions. This appears to be a different page than what you might see by clicking on "Activity" from the menu, probably depending on your account type (Personal or Business"). The default view and this page's pull-down selectors are "Active | All transactions | All currencies | Past 30 days".
2. Select "Balance affecting" from the second pull-down (default is "All transactions"). As soon as you change the pull-down, the page refreshes and you will then get a view that includes "Gross | Fee | Net | Balance".
I'm glad to know I can still see this info on the website and without having to generate a report, but the bummer is it now takes two steps; the page cannot be invoked by a single URL. I asked the chat rep to pass along my recommendation that the page be callable from a URL.
Screenshots of the 'Activity' page as I see it in default view and after selecting 'Balance affecting':
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