Which is better for WooCommerce integration with PayPal? Merchant or Personal Accounts? Is it the same fees when ordering a product from WooCommerce? And if WooCommerce is using United Arab Emirates Currency (AED)....Can the transaction get completed? Thank you
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Hi, Yestardsay and today; I was trying to change account's secuity questions/answers. It keep giving me error message. Today it gives this error: [object Object] What should I do? Is this a bug in PayPal? Thank you
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Dear @PayPal_Schae , Thank you for your answer. Yet, I suspect it's a valid answer. I can see this in my account: Also when adding a new user I can see this: Which seem to me that they can add their own country and bank info. Are you a PayPal team member? Also, when I try to add my bank info it says in the page that I can only add a US bank account!! What should I do? Thank you
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Hi, I have a Business PayPal Account. I want to add my brother as a sub user and grant him all available permissions. Later on when he login with his info to my account; Can he add his own bank account and link it to my account? And can he withdraw from my PayPal account to his bank account? Thank you
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