how do I access payouts from game apps?


Ive recieved 9.24 ERO from a game app but I have no Idea how to access it any help please???

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Why was my deposit declined by paypal?  If it is legal here ,MI, what is wrong?

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Are there any of these games out there really and truly ligitimate? and do they really and truly pay the money that the game says that you won? I have a friend who said that that she won x amount... had to wade through a seriously large amount of ads to be able to "redeem her money into her paypal account....then she had to wait for 72 hours for her claim to be processed....after that, she then had to wait for around 10 to 11 days for her money to be sent to her paypal account....Yet, unless it takes something like another 3-5 days or so for the transaction to go through, she hasn't received it as yet....So probing minds just want to know....if any one out there knows the true scoop on the matter....My friend needs to hear the truth of the matter from some one else other than myself I think. (I don't want to hear anything out of any snarly people who take a great deal of delight in putting others down and trying to belittle them to make themselves look all big and important....(which by the way you don't when you do things like look like the **bleep** you are actually going out of your way to be.....) Rather, I would like for a very "in the know" nice person to explain to my friend what is what on the matter.) Thanks. ph221


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My game said my money was transferred but no money on my paypal account. I had a card on there but I lost the card and so i removed the card. Does payouts automatically go to paypal account? Or credit card? How do I check to see how many accounts i have and check to see where my money and payments go?
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Hello there I was playing Solitaire and they said I would win money. They said I would have 200 dollars in my PayPal account now and I checked my PayPal account and the 200 dollars is not there. Is this a scam ? Are there games that we can play for money? Please let me know and thank you Please Help!! 🙂
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Claim my money from paypal game
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Caim my from paypal game it keep fail
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trying to figure out paypal and what it can do for me
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


Loads of posts on here all saying money ''pending'' from one game or another but I have never seen anyone actually get paid any money.
The large amounts of cash folks are trying to withdraw are a lot more than any game could earn with their advertisement sponsorships.

They just want you to think you will get cash to make you play or watch their ads or videos.
Research first as its very unlikely you are going to get a lot of money from playing a game !

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Can't claim money from paypal games
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How do I locate the cash I won from playing cash games in my paypal acct, it says it was sent to my paypal
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