Send money to invalid email, yet transaction notes "send", also wrong email+name did autocomplete?

New Community Member

I have send money via "friends" option to the wrong email, it was "name.surename@" instead of "namesurename" so just a extra "."

The transaction notes "send" and is also listed on my bank account in the "outgoing" tab.

Yet if i try to send a email to this address the mail bounces with failure to deliver, since it does not exist?


So how did paypal "complete" a transaction for a email that does not exist and what can i do now to fix this?




PS: While entering the wrong email in the send field via paypal app, it autocompleted the mail and did show the correct Name + Surename, so i was sure its the correct email? So how does paypal seem to have a account for a none existing email address?

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